Thursday, July 24, 2008


When we move out of india,it is difficult for us to get the sample to start making curd at home.We tried out with the yogurts available in the american stores but it turned out slimy and was not tasting good.So I started searching on web how to get the sample curd.Then came out with a solution.You can get the sample home made curd from the Indian restaurants(they use them to make raita), or from Indian temple(they use to make curd rice for prasadam) or if you find any indian friends close to your place ,check with them.I am sure you can get it in anyone of these places.

Curd is used in making raita,curd rice,buttermilk etc..It is a good source of vitamins.Buttermilk is good for health and also refresh us during summer.Also most of the families practice finishing their meal with curd rice.

Method to make curd:

1.Boil half a litre or 2 cups of milk.Switch off the gas when bubbles appear or the milk starts to raise up the saucepan.

2.Allow the milk to cool down.

3.Then add the curd sample(1 spoon) to the milk and stir well.

4.Keep it covered inside the microwave/ conventional oven .Leave it for 6-7hrs or overnight.Turning of milk to curd is the action of bacteria.

5.Thick curd is ready.

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